www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Posted 12/09/2024 in Category 1 by Cyd Notter

10 Tips to Not Gain Weight During the Holidays

10 Tips to Not Gain Weight During the Holidays

The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day can be the most challenging for those striving to lose (or maintain) their weight.

The abundance of cookies, rich desserts, and cocktails, combined with increased stress levels, lack of sleep, and sedentary lifestyles, leads to the perfect storm for veering off track.

Plus we often give ourselves unspoken “permission” to over-indulge....telling ourselves It’s the holidays, after all.

Studies vary on how much weight is gained during the holidays, but the average seems to be between 1 – 6 pounds. The trouble is that most people never take that weight off, so over the years, those pounds can really add up.

Why not make it your goal to NOT gain any weight this holiday season?

Here are 10 tips to help you achieve that goal.

Wouldn't it be nice to wake up on New Year's Day and not feel bloated or have any regrets? :)

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Thanks, Cyd! Perfect timing. I announced to my family that I'd like to keep Christmas dinner (at my house) mostly vegan (except for a few obligatory fish dishes for my husband and his family). My brother responded that he would bring the non-vegan contributions. GRR!!! Do you have any suggestions for managing this graciously?
Post-script: Announcing a vegan dinner to my brother and his family turned out to be a Christmas disater. Big time. I have to rethink this for next year.

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Cyd Notter

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