www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Posted 02/26/2025 in Category 1 by Cyd Notter

Can We Overeat on a Plant-based Diet?

Can We Overeat on a Plant-based Diet?

In my years of teaching and coaching others regarding their health, I've discovered that weight gain typically boils down to two reasons.

The first reason is simply too much food. 

The lifestyle medicine docs we follow advise us to avoid counting calories, points, or measuring our foods; the main reason is because plant-based eating isn't a typical short-term "diet" of restriction, but rather a lifestyle to be practiced and enjoyed for life.

The advice is to eat when you're hungry, but stop when you're comfortably full.  And therein lies the key. Stop before you're stuffed. STOP when you are full. That means getting reaquainted with our hunger and satiety signals.

So, is it possible to overeat on a plant based diet? Absolutely.

Click here to read more about it (and to also learn the second reason for weight gain).

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Cyd Notter

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