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Did you know......there's a connection between inflammation in the body and the development of diseases, such as acid reflux, arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, chronic pain, and so much more?
The GOOD news is that much can be done to relieve or reverse today's inflammatory issues.
Your body is always striving to heal! Many lifestyle factors contribute to chronic inflammation, but DIET is by far the biggest determinant.This class will demonstrate how a whole food, plant-based diet - complete with delicious versions of burgers, pastas, comfort foods, and desserts - can correct the underlying cause of inflammation and allow your body to heal.
In this class, you'll learn:
- The difference between acute and chronic inflammation
- Common contributors to inflammation and the ailments associated with it
- How inflammation harms the heart
- The role our immune system plays in the big picture
- Which foods are pro-inflammatory vs anti-inflammatory (and why)
- How to read labels to quickly spot inflammatory ingredients
- What you can do to find relief if you suspect (or know) you're suffering with inflammation