www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Posted 10/15/2024 by Karen Ranzi

Heal and Prevent Autism: Natural Solutions That Work

Heal and Prevent Autism: Natural Solutions That Work

Karen Ranzi, M.A., CCC-SLP, in Heal and Prevent Autism, shows how to prevent and reverse many facets of autism, as each child is unique. Karen specializes with children on the autism spectrum since 2002 after working as a speech pathologist since 1977.

Karen Ranzi's quest for children's health, achieved by natural drugfee means, improves the lives of children with autism, ADD, and ADHD. Karen guides families toward natural laws for healthy living.

Internationally acclaimed speaker, Karen Ranzi received the Peer-to-Peer Award for Service to Children's Health and the Living Now Award in the category of Health and Nutrition for her first book, Creating Healthy Children. Karen directs the Vegan Coach Certification Course for Holistic Health Coaches. Since 1998, Karen has coached thousands of individuals and families to excellent health.

The book is available here:




"Karen Ranzi has a rich background in the autism topic, including her lectures, her patients, her scientific research to support her views and her moving testimonials from parents of children with autism who have benefited from her advice. We fully endorse Heal and Prevent Autism and hope it makes waves."
~ T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University, Co-author, The China Study;         Daniel Campbell, M.Ed. Special Education Teacher, Marion NY Central School District

"Karen Ranzi was the best guide I found as a special needs parent. Her advice was the best therapy for my son and my whole family. My son has an ASD diagnosis, and no therapy has shown as much progress as our new plant diet."
~ B. Kang

"We coached with Karen because our child is on the autism spectrum. He's made remarkable improvements. His speech is so much better, he's opening up and making much more eye contact, before it was little and sometimes none. He's much calmer too. It's great to have Karen in our lives and an hor to call her our health coach." 
~ Maria Victoria Daral

"At a most difficult time, fortunately we met Karen. She helped with our two-and-a-half-year-old daughter with autism. We changed her diet to raw vegan and step by step our little girl made major progress in her communication, speech, and behavior. She's happier and healthier than ever, and we are too!"
~ Giota, Dimitris, and Electra

Karen Ranzi's Websites:



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Karen Ranzi

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