Bone Health is Vital at Every Age!
Would you like to maintain strong bones and dramatically reduce your risk of osteoporosis as you age?
There's plenty we can do to keep our bones in good shape - and it's never too late to start!
Featuring over three hours of quality content, in this class you'll learn:
- The basics of how bones break down and rebuild
- What is calcium and how much calcium do we need?
- What are the best sources of calcium?
- What is the "Calcium Paradox?"
- Which foods contribute to strong bones (and why)
- The role of Vitamin D and calcium supplements
- Common testing and treatment for low bone density
- The affect of exercise on bone health
- Other lifestyle factors that impact bone health
- Steps you can begin implementing today
Topics are grouped into separate videos so you can locate them easily.
Movement Education Videos are included by Physical Therapist expert Eileen Kopsaftis which demonstrate safe and effective exercises for anyone wishing to increase bone density or reduce the risk for loss.
A cooking video for dairy-free substitutes is also provided by Food for Life Instructor Cyd Notter. Learn how to make easy recipes for non-dairy cheeses, sour cream, pudding, nice cream, and more! Written recipes are provided as well.
Use the Coupon Code SCA to get 50% off this valuable course!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Cyd at cydnotter@cydnotter.com.
Cyd Notter is a Center for Nutrition Studies PBNC Professional, a licensed PCRM Food for Life Instructor, a past newspaper columnist and the author of The "Plan A" Diet: Combining Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition with the Timeless Wisdom of Scripture. Her mission is to educate and equip others to take an active role in their health. Cyd can be reached at www.cydnotter.com.
Eileen Kopsaftis is an eclectically trained physical therapist, nutrition educator, and best-selling author of the book, Pain Culprits!: Surprising Truths Behind Pain, How to Uncover the Cause, and What to do About It. Her specialties include teaching informed healthcare decision-making and empowering others to resolve pain and age without decline using effective strategies they can perform at home. Visit her website at www.havelifelongwellbeing.com.