Think skin health, whole plant foods and simple lifestyle choices... that's this informative book's premise.
Bye Bye Acne shows the way to eating healthfully for healing skin and lasting skin health. Few understand which foods and lifestyle choices protect and create glowing skin for optimal wellbeing.
Karen Ranzi corrects common nutritional and health misconceptions and shows:
*Her own personal skin healing journey
*Causes of acne
*Damaging effects of drugs used for treating common skin challenges
*Foods to eliminate for best skin health
*Best raw plant foods to adopt to benefit our largest organ: skin
*How to strengthen the immune system
*How to detoxify the body and rejuvenate the skin
*How to start your child's skin health right
*How personal care products can be linked to acne
*How the sun benefits skin
*The high-water content food the body requires and why
*The joyful feeling of glowing skin
...plus, Karen includes easy-to-prepare delicious nutritious transitional recipes!
The book is available at:
Karen Ranzi, M.A., is the award-winning author of 4 books, 6 ebooks, and hundreds of magazine articles. She is an internationally acclaimed holistic health consultant and motivational speaker since 1998 and Director of the Vegan Coach Certification Course. Karen was able to heal herself and others from digestive and skin problems through nutritional and lifestyle improvements.
As a frequent guest on podcasts, summits and talk shows, Karen enthusiastically shares her wisdom and expertise on creating a vibrant, healthy lifestyle.
Karen Ranzi's Websites: