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What to Look Forward to in 2025

What to Look Forward to in 2025

To me a New Year means new hope for happiness and fulfillment. It encompasses me both personally and professionally.

Personally – staying healthy. In 2024, I had some health struggles that are improving. What I realized about me is that when it was bad, nothing else mattered. I truly struggled to function in both my personal life and professional life. I realized that there are things we can control, like what we eat and the activities that support better health like walking, lifting, riding a bike, swimming and so many more. But when something affects you that you did not see coming. I suggest you research as much as you can to gain additional knowledge and most of all STAY POSITIVE.

Professionally – growing your business or what you do for work without compromising who you are. I want to continue treating people with respect and kindness yet I also must find way to increase funding. Finding funding has been the hardest job I have ever had. If I was working for someone I would say getting a raise would be the same type of challenge. So this is what I look forward to going into 2025. One never knows what tomorrow may bring but being hopeful and kind is a great start. What say YOU?

-Paul Chatlin

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