Many years ago, while vacationing in Charleston, South Carolina, my life was changed forever more by a young woman leading a session about plants. It was not an unusual event; we were in a garden surrounded by plants. However, this young woman was leading a session about EATING plants. Maria, her name; her organization Amour Healing Kitchen, began her nonprofit many years ago for the people of Charleston. She prepares plant-based meals for those with cancer, delivering these meals five days a week, and teaching young adults in high school to cook. Could this be possible—this lovely, highly spirited young woman full of life and joy, leading and training an army of civilians, feeding the sick with plants? It felt like a dream.
Her mission and belief system include: using food as a tool to aid in recovery from surgery and medical treatments; educating others and her community to create the connection between food and health; supporting the local farmers and local economy; and utilizing organic ingredients with the belief that what nourishes the earth has the power to heal.
Doesn't this sound like someone you would like to know?
Sage Circle Alliance (SCA) is where we can learn and collaborate with other like-minded organizations like the one described above. As a founding member of SCA, my thoughts return to this young woman, her altruism, and her gifts to her community. I wish to collaborate with others in the whole food plant-based (WFPB) world that have the same belief system as me. Often siloed into our own little cosmos, only touching the lives of the few around us, with the Sage Circle Alliance we can make a larger impact for the health of others, the treatment of animals, and the sustainability of our planet, making this world a better place to live.
Collaboration is the key to what we are missing in the WFPB world. Together, we can make a larger difference by holding each other accountable and striving to do good on this planet. Forever, my life will be changed by this young woman in Charleston, SC, and now I hope yours will be too. Come along with me and others to join forces underneath the SCA organization and find likeminded individuals in your states, your regions of this universe, and in your own backyards. Let others inspire you to make a difference in this world while helping others find your contributions to the WFPB sphere. We are in this together!
To learn more about the Amour Healing Kitchen and Maria Kelly, find her at https://www.amorhealingkitchen.org/
Contribution by Nichole Fogleman, author of “In the Garden” and director of Hope for Pain Inc. Mission statement: helping those with chronic pain heal with food and faith.
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