www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Posted 06/10/2024 by Vegan Visibility Productions

Talk with the Heart Healthy Doc - Akil Taher, MD - GOUT

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12:00 PM
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1:00 PM
Talk with the Heart Healthy Doc - Akil Taher, MD - GOUT
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Monthly Talk With the Heart Health Doc in the Docs Corner with Akil Taher, MD

WHEN:  Monthly on Friday at 12pm ET (Check the exact date at: https://bit.ly/dr-akils-corner)

Have you had those pressing questions that you didn't know where to look for the answers to? Have you wanted the chance to learn what certain foods are doing on the inside of your body to create cancer, high blood pressure, hypertension, diverticulitis, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses? 

As a physician, septuagenarian athlete, and open heart surgery survivor, I'm on a mission to help as many people as possible to not suffer the way I did because you don't have the information that can help you make better decisions about how you live your life and get healthy to stay healthy. 

That's why I created the Monthly Talk with The Heart Healthy Doc. I invite you to join me for my monthly Zoom talks at no cost to you except for time well spent.

"We are living longer, yet we are not living healthier. What good is living longer when we're living without our good health?" - Akil Taher, MD

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