www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Posted 06/17/2024 by Vegan Visibility Productions

SCA MONTHLY ALL MEMBER MEETING – Stay Informed, Engaged, and Inspired!

Zoom - All members will be sent a reminder email with the Zoom link.
Start Date
Start Time
7:00 PM
End Date
End Time
8:00 PM
SCA MONTHLY ALL MEMBER MEETING – Stay Informed, Engaged, and Inspired!
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SCA MONTHLY ALL MEMBER MEETING – Stay Informed, Engaged, and Inspired! As a valued member of the Sage Circle Alliance, your involvement and insight are crucial to our collective success. Our Monthly Member Meeting held on the 2nd Monday of Every Month @ 7pm ET is your opportunity to stay updated, connect with fellow professionals, and make a meaningful impact within our community.

Exclusive Membership Insights: Each meeting will spotlight a unique feature or benefit of your membership, ensuring you get the most out of your involvement with Sage Circle Alliance.

Committee Updates: Stay informed on the latest developments within our various committees. Learn about ongoing projects, upcoming initiatives, and how you can contribute your expertise.

Opportunities for Engagement: Discover new ways to get involved, share your ideas, and collaborate with other passionate members to drive our mission forward.

Your participation is essential to the vibrant and dynamic nature of our organization. Don't miss this chance to engage with your peers, gain valuable insights, and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Sage Circle Alliance.

Put this date and information on your calendar and join us for an evening of connection, learning, and inspiration. You will receive an invitation email with the Zoom link prior to the meeting. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Sage Circle Alliance Team

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