www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Posted 06/22/2024 by Peggy Kraus

PBNSG.org Diabetes Specialized Support Group

PBNSG membership
Next Start Date
recurs every 4 weeks
Start Time
4:00 PM
Recurring End Date
End Time
5:00 PM
PBNSG.org Diabetes Specialized Support Group
Contact Member

Let the world hear this: Type 2 diabetes is REVERSIBLE! And I am all about Erasing Diabetes.

If you or someone you love has diabetes, come and spend some time with us. 

We meet every second Tuesday of the month at 4pm ET on Zoom on the PBNSG.org platform. If you're not a member of PBNSG, $10 a month buys you a ticket to help re-write your health description. 

Posted By

Peggy Kraus

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