www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance

What you can do in just 30 minutes

What you can do in just 30 minutes

So Meryl and I were talking the other day and we were discussing how much can someone do I just 30 minutes. We realized that you can do a lot of very positive things. For example here is our list.

  1. Go for a walk
  2. Have a conversation with a friend
  3. Watch a TV show
  4. Add information to the SCA website
  5. Brush your fur babies
  6. Have a Plant Based Meal
  7. Clean a few rooms in your house
  8. Make thoughtful to do list
  9. Promote the SCA on social media
  10. Write a article for the SCA
  11. Connect with a SCA member

Yes, you can all see that so much can be done in just 30 minutes. To all of your cherished SCA members, please take just 30 minutes a week and add something to our amazing website, Social media or get to know another SCA member. Anything you contribute to the SCA moves us forward.

We so appreciate you.

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This inspired me. On my work calendar, I scheduled time to post a blog article on the SCA website every two weeks. Also, I added a reminder for myself to post my program start date on the SCA website when I prepare for the launch.
What a great list! This is a great way to focus on self-care or helping others, especially for business owners who may be struggling with work-life balance. I'm adding some of these activities to my weekly calendar and encouraging others to do the same. Thanks Meryl and Paul!! :-)
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