www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance

How to Get Noticed!

How to Get Noticed!

It's February, and the Sage Circle is celebrating all our amazing members. We want to let you know how much we appreciate you all! Thank you for all you do to keep the world moving in a positive direction!!

One of the most common challenges our members face is how to increase the visibility of their businesses. Most of us are online to some degree. And the internet is a huge place. As business owners, we have to be big enough to get noticed. That takes a lot of effort, time, energy, and total commitment to the long game. And, of course, it goes faster if you can work with others! That's where the SCA comes in! 

We are here to support your business interests and efforts, to help you spread your message, and GROW! 

One way we do that is by providing this newsletter, where we happily publish your articles. You are encouraged to write from your area of expertise and submit articles as often as you like. Getting published is one way to expand your reach and establish yourself as a subject matter expert. You can write new articles about current issues and observations. You can even repurpose relevant articles you have already written. The only requirements are: 

  1. Your contribution must be factual or evidence-based, as appropriate.
  2. Your article supports WFPB health, compassion, and planetary stewardship. 
  3. Combine 1 and 2 with whatever subjects you know best, and an image and post it on the SCA website. 
  4. And you're done! That's really all it takes!

Just like that, you can expand your reach, my beauties!

We publish the newsletter on the 7th of every month. We look forward to seeing you and your article soon! 

Meryl and Paul

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