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Karen Ranzi

Karen Ranzi

Vegan Whole Food Plant-Based
Coaching, Health & Wellness, ,
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Company Details

Year Established: 1998 Credentials: Award-Winning Author, Director of Vegan Coach Certification, Vegan Coach Since 1998, Internationally Acclaimed Speaker, Raw Food Retreat Leader

About Karen Ranzi

Karen Ranzi, M.A. is mother to two adults raised vegan and raw vegan. She is a plant-based health coach since 1998, award-winning author of books on health and healing with raw vegan nutrition, internationally acclaimed speaker, founder of the online 100 hour Vegan Coach Certification Course for aspiring vegan health coaches, raw vegan retreat leader, and a speech pathologist for 43 years. Karen Ranzi has been vegan since 1989 and raw vegan since 1994. 

Karen’s health coaching specializes in helping women with weight, hormonal and gut issues, raising the healthiest vegan children, and healing and preventing autism. Karen is winner of the "Living Now” Award in the category of Health and Nutrition, and the “Peer-to-Peer Award for Service to Children’s Health for her first book Creating Healthy Children. Karen’s recipe book is Raw Vegan Recipe Fun for Families. Her third book is Heal and Prevent Autism: Natural Solutions That Work. Her most recent book published in 2024 is Bye Bye Acne: Clearing Over 25 Years of Cystic Acne in 3 Months

Karen began her Women's Health Club Membership Program in 2023 focusing on improving women's lives through coaching support on hormonal and gut health, and relieving the symptoms of peri and post menopause. 

Karen has traveled throughout the United States and abroad to speak on the extreme benefits of a low fat raw vegan lifestyle. Karen has been a popular keynote speaker at the London Vegfest and the annual Woodstock Fruit Festival, and has been a featured speaker for hundreds of events in Australia, Borneo, Russia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Canada, the UK and throughout the United States. 

In 1994, Karen was able to heal her three year old son from asthma and chronic ear infections, and herself from cystic acne, hormonal imbalances and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) through dietary and lifestyle changes. By means of her education, life-changing personal experiences, and sincere desire to share her message, Karen has been able to guide thousands toward developing excellent health through simple plant-based living. 

Karen Ranzi's Websites and Social Media Platforms to Contact Her:

FeelFabulouswithFood.com  Vegan Coach Certification Course online Modules and Live Weekly Support Running Since 2015.
                                              Plant-Based Health Coaching

SuperHealthyChildren.com Raising the Healthiest Vegan Children
                                             Turning Around the Symptoms of Autism with Nutrition

Women's Health Club:  https://womenshealthclub.my.canva.site/

YouTube Channel:  https://youtube.com/feelfabulouswithfoodWomen's Health Club: 

Instagram:  https://instagram.com/superhealthyraw

Facebook Groups: Profile: https://facebook.com/karen.ranzi

Free Facebook Group "Aspiring Vegan and Raw Food Health Coaches"

Free Facebook Group "Plant Foods Weight Loss, Hormonal and Gut Health" 


Coaching, Health & Wellness, Public Speaking, Speakers Bureau
