www.sagecirclealliance.org - Sage Circle Alliance
Climate Healers

Climate Healers

Vegan Whole Food Plant-Based
Coaching, Community & Non-Profit, , , , , , , ,
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Company Details

Year Established: 2007 Credentials: Founder and Executive Director

About Climate Healers

Our philosophy:                                    
1. All life is one family. Our family includes all humans, animals, birds, fishes and insects.
2. We don’t hurt members of our family, but treat them with kindness and compassion.
3. Speciesism, colonialism, racism, ableism and patriarchy are built into the money game that we are playing. This game promotes selfishness, greed and apathy, the three main environmental problems identified by Gus Speth.
4. We cannot heal our planet and achieve true equality with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all members of our family without transforming our money game into a more life-affirming one that has equality built-in by design and promotes selflessness, generosity and activism.  

Our manifesto:  
1. Everything we do is in service of the Greatest Transformation in Human History (GTiHH) – from Homo Sapiens Sapiens (the Caterpillar – a narcissistic, predatory “taker” species) to Homo Ahimsa (the Butterfly – a compassionate, climate-harmonizing caretaker species).
2. We tell stories in service of the GTiHH using documentaries to reveal why the time is imminent for transformation to occur (by 2026), along with books, position papers and webinars to show what we can achieve if we put our minds to it.
3. We launch apps to help people understand that we have all the resources they need already to solve global problems if we tackle them collectively. Surely, if we can birth, feed and kill 90 billion land animals every year, we can feed all 8 billion humans healthy meals and eradicate world hunger, if we choose to do so. The FoodHealers App enables communities in food deserts to access healthy, immune-boosting meals for their community at lower cost than fast food. 

The Aquarius App helps people understand the ecological impact of their lifestyles and self-regulate them to within planetary boundaries. 

The United in Heart App helps people direct their surplus resources towards regenerative efforts.
4. We imagine a world in which people can put on their Chrysalis avatars to leave their Caterpillar past behind and join together as true equals but each with unique gifts in a cooperative effort to depollute and regenerate the Earth in preparation for the birth of the Butterfly (Homo Ahimsa) stage of humanity.


Coaching, Community & Non-Profit, Culinary Education, Entertainment and Media, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle Medicine, Podcasts, Public Speaking, Speakers Bureau, Specialty Food
