Women’s Plant Based Q&A Time - Debra Shapiro, M.D., FACOG, DipABLM
January 29th, 2025 @7:0pm EST/ 4:00 pm PST
Sponsored by the Plant Based Academy.Net
Join us for an engaging session of Women’s Q&A Time featuring Debra Shapiro, M.D., FACOG, DipABLM. This event is a unique opportunity to gain insights from a highly respected expert in women's health as well as an amazing plant based doc! Dr. Shapiro will address a wide range of topics, providing valuable information and answering any questions. Whether you’re seeking advice or simply wish to learn more about women's health issues, this interactive session promises to be informative and empowering. Don't miss this chance to connect with a leading specialist in the field! https://anewviewoffood.com
Join our Plant Based Academy Community Network to become a member and gain access to this incredible event. Membership in the Academy is free, but joining is necessary to attend this free event.
Learn more: www.PlantBasedAcademy.Net
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Plant Based Plans (Basics and Cont. Ed)
Don't miss this chance to connect with a leading specialist in the field! Dr. Shapiro is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Lifestyle Medicine; Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator and Certified Health Coach .
Invite link to Debra Shapiro’s session
#womenshealth #OBGYN #menopause
#wfpb #wfpbno #wfpbdiet #wfpbweightloss #vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes #veganlife #healthyfood #healthy #healthylifestyle #diabetes #reversediabetes #reversedisease #hypertension #highbloodpressure #plantbasedacademy