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Dr. @FrankSabatino - Weightless: Pt 2 Special Considerations, Concerns, and Consequences

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Dr. @FrankSabatino - Weightless: Pt 2 Special Considerations, Concerns, and Consequences
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Dr. @FrankSabatino - Weightless: Pt 2 Special Considerations, Concerns, and Consequences

Thurs. Feb 27, 2025 @ 7:00 pm

We will be discussing Part 2 of his book Weightless, with a focus on supplementation, the risks associated with Keto and Paleo diets, detoxification, and the principles of compassionate eating.

Get your copy of Dr. Sabatino's book> https://amzn.to/3ZN0eyz

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Join our Plant Based Academy Community Network to become a member and gain access to this incredible event. Membership in the Academy is free, but joining is necessary to attend this free event.

Send me your questions based on part 2 of Dr. Sabatino's book ahead of time to make sure I can get your question in

There is a global pandemic of excess weight and body fat that fosters disability and death and significantly increases the consequences of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, and cancer. This debilitating increase in weight and body fat is promoted by the dangerous agendas of misinformed individuals, greedy food conglomerates, and governments that sanction carbohydrate-restricted diets and addictive ultra-processed and animal-derived foods. Free yourself from the failures of short-sighted, quick-fix, fad diets, risky expensive drugs, and mutilating surgeries that compromise your health future. 

Dr Sabatino has combined his extensive personal and clinical experience with broad scientific research to create the most practical, effective solution for weight gain and obesity in his new book, Weightless (available on Amazon).

And you get the time to connect with Dr. Sabatino, live!

Join our Plant Based Academy Community Network to become a member and gain access to this incredible event. Membership in the Academy is free, but joining is necessary to attend this free event. 

Learn more: www.PlantBasedAcademy.Net

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     Plant Based Plans (Basics and Cont. Ed)

Link to Dr. Sabatino's Event

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